Educational Supplies
Dr. Silindra McRay

Building capacity through empowerment strategies

In an ever evolving world…

the need to build capacity and empower individuals is becoming increasingly crucial. Through targeted empowerment strategies, individuals gain the tools and confidence to take charge of their own development and navigate the challenges they face. By fostering a sense of ownership, providing resources, and cultivating a supportive environment, empowerment strategies not only enable individuals to thrive but also contribute to the growth and resilience of organizations and communities. Whether it's in an educational setting, workplace, or community initiative, building capacity through empowerment strategies is the catalyst that propels individuals towards personal and collective success.


To support education leaders in reengineering their organizational efficiency, by helping them to grow and develop their most important resource - their employees! We support you in incorporating strategies that optimize productivity and positively impacts your bottom line.


To be the leading provider of transformative solutions, that help organizations to build capacity through the creation of revolutionary spaces, codified processes and sustainable change

Our Core Services

  • Women Meeting at Conference Table

    EdSoft Skill Development

  • Woman Leading Meeting

    EdLeadership - Career Coaching & Development

  • Love to Learn Sign

    Instructional EdLeadership

  • Women meeting around a laptop

    Human Resource EdOperations

  • Women interviewing each other

    Student Development Coaching 1:1

  • Time for Change Poster

    Implicit Bias Training

Meet the Founder

Dr. Silindra McRay
New York Brownstone

EdStrategy Enacted became a formalized entity in 2022.  However, the experience of the founding, veteran educator, Dr. Silindra McRay, spans almost two decades. With her success in Public, Private, and Higher Education settings, she has been able to pride herself on a unique understanding of the field’s multitude of operational and academic intersectionalities. She has been an active contributor to many professional committees and projects that have advanced academic excellence and promoted leader effectiveness, growth and development. Dr. McRay also brings a deep and rich knowledge of qualitative research methods; instructional leadership elements; education policy, procedure and protocol development; implicit racial bias and equity across difference, enabling her to construct, coach and facilitate safe, nurturing, and academically rewarding coaching environments. Dr. McRay, the principal consultant, is a confident and respected Edleader, teacher and facilitator, who embraces challenges and, ultimately, works to improve students’ academic outcomes. 

Our Strategies will help you…

  • Focus on a commitment to staying abreast of the latest educational trends and advancements to continually improve and expand knowledge and content

  • Develop a superb research, investigation, review and analysis lens 

  • Become an active listener and confident communicator, comfortable presenting to both small and large groups

  • Hold a degree of integrity, establishing a reputation for quality, exactness, and results

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